Our pitbull Pharroh always looks like he wants to have our bird Happy Face for dinner. And look at Izzy (my son’s dog) licking his lips. LOL!
It’s amazing what a “screenshot” can capture. I took a video of these 3 pets – and then “screenshot” this photo. The lesson: what looks like lunch for the dogs, is actually them wanting my attention. LOL! My picture may look alarming – but it’s a “false alarm!”
Spiritually speaking, imagine the “false alarm” message that could be communicated using Philippians 3:8!?!? I’ve heard this passage used in a way where things we’ve done prior to knowing Christ is “worthless or counted as garbage!”
Philippians 3:8 NLT “Yes, everything else is worthless when compared with the infinite value of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord. For his sake I have discarded everything else, counting it all as garbage, so that I could gain Christ.”
My encouragement to our NHM ‘ohana is to grow in understanding and interpreting God’s Word. None of us are perfect, we are all growing and it can be daunting to properly interpret Bible passages. But that must not stop us from learning and asking the Holy Spirit to give us wisdom, while humbly holding our “pet peeves and truths” before the Lord. Does that make sense? We are not always “perfectly right” when interpreting some Bible passages! We are changing, learning, growing. I know there are Scriptures that mean something a little different to me, because I’m learning to read, observe and interpret the Bible in context.
There’s a need for us to talk it through, humbly sharing our views, conviction and persuasions. We need each other to discuss the “how to’s” of rightly dividing the Word of Truth. (2 Tim. 2:15)
- You hungry to learn more?
- You have a question?
- Do you want to discuss any particular topic or Scripture?
I’d love to chat with you! Please reach out to me and I’d love to learn and grow in Jesus with you.