“Dear friends, you always followed my instructions when I was with you. And now that I am away, it is even more important. Work hard to show the results of your salvation, obeying God with deep reverence and fear. 13 For God is working in you, giving you the desire and the power to do what pleases him.” Philippians 2:12-13 (NLT)

Our Inside Out series has been a Godsend. What a powerful Sunday gathering we experienced this past Sunday! If you haven’t listened to Pastor Mike’s message, please do so on our NHM Facebook or YouTube platforms.

If you were there Sunday, I unwrapped my heart about having a “blow out and blowing it” at home! I put on a smile on Sunday (from me heart:) but I was broken on the inside!

Pastor Mike’s teaching was so convicting and inspiring, edifying and heart-wrenching, by the Holy Spirit. Many of you commented how the Lord worked deeply in your heart through worship, Kurt and Kevin’s sharing, my confession, asking for prayer and the teaching. Thank you of your prayers for me – God broke me through my “fleshly” weakness, restoring my damaged relationship. Whew! Thank you Jesus!

But it wasn’t easy. I came home from church and was deeply wrestling to obey what the Lord was putting on my heart: to humble myself, go first in asking for forgiveness (because my “I wasn’t the only one wrong” attitude).

Here are some of thoughts from the teaching that really, really convicted and helped me obey Him:

  • Look around. You are in an active working construction site. We are all work in progress. We need to be careful with each other.
  • Gods not finished with all of us. (Phil. 1:6, Heb. 12:2)
  • He won’t bypass troubled areas in our lives that need reconstruction. Issues cannot be worked out of you, unless it’s worked IN YOU.
  • God puts his finger on it and it gets more uncomfortable. He’s got the end in mind. More of Christ.
  • Work it out. Live it out. (Phil. 2:12-13)
  • Restoration begins with a submitted will. To listen. Obey. Even when it’s uncomfortable.
  • Step down from the pride right to be right.

Let’s all be reminded – we need the Holy Spirits presence, convicting us to listen and obey His Word and voice. We need each other’s grace, aloha, understanding, empathy and Prayers! We need to be vulnerable and transparent with a heart to be more like Jesus.

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