Therefore, my brothers, you whom I love and long formy joy and crown, that is how you should stand firm in the Lord, dear friends!Philippians 4:1 NIV

Have you ever stood on a shaky stool or ladder? Or struggled getting your footing on a wet, muddy trail? It’s certainly not a secure feeling, when falling you could land you in the ER. What about being in a shaky, slippery situation at home or work, where the foundation of trust and respect is broken?

The Message translation for “stand firm” (Phil. 4:1) writes: Don’t waver. Stay on track, steady in God.

If you’ve received painful news affecting your health, finances, or a close relationship is going sour, it can be difficult to stay steady and on track with God.

We need people like the apostle Paul in our lives, who have a deep love and commitment to us through our ups and downs. We need dear friends whose faces light up with joy when we show up 🙂 These friends honor us, wearing your life as a crown. These friends help us to stand firm in shaky, turbulent seasons. And don’t you want to be this kind of friend to those around you?

In the context of Paul’s heart and instruction to the Philippians, he gives us truths on how to stand firm in the Lord.

  • Surround yourself with people who have a Jesus love for you. (4:1)
  • Follow the example of godly people in your life. (3:17)
  • Be alert and aware of “enemies” of your faith. Don’t focus on earthly gain. (3:18-19)
  • Be constantly reminded that your true foundation and identity is in Jesus and His spiritual-eternal home. (3:20-21)

Problems, pain or persecution will always be among us. So let’s become friends who encourage one another to stand firm, not waver, stay steady and on track with God!

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