For the LORD is good (TOV); His lovingkindness is everlasting, and His faithfulness to all generations.
Psalm 100:5 NASB

Have you experienced any negative or bad situations this past week?  There’s certainly a lot of negativity and gloomy circumstances that can affect our thoughts and lives!

Please listen to this video I recorded.

Those of you who have picked up your book, please begin reading the first 2-3 chapters! ** And REMEMBER, whenever you see and read the word “church” in the book, replace that word in your mind and heart with FAMILY, WORKPLACE, RELATIONSHIPS…! The truths and principles in this book about “church” is very applicable to our relationships in life!

Leaders and Volunteers: You should have received my email info about our upcoming Book Study. **This study is OPEN to anyone in our church. It’s going to be a wonderful time of discussion and learning! I will email ZOOM LINK to you, our Leaders and Volunteers!

I’m reminded by principles in the book, that my life presently, is not defined by my past.

Check this quote out! Isn’t this true! 

Through all our lessons from our past (good and toxic), remember: “For the LORD is good (TOV); His lovingkindness is everlasting, and His faithfulness to all generations.” (Psalm 100:5 NASB)

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