– This week from Pastor Rod –



But our bodies have many parts, and God has put each part just where he wants it.  19 How strange a body would be if it had only one part just where he wants it.  19 How strange a body would be if it had only one part!  20 Yes, there are many parts, but only one body.  21 The eye can never say to the hand, “I don’t need you.”  The head can’t say to the feet, “I don’t need you.”
1 Corinthians 12:18-21 NLT

Aloha KINGdom ‘Ohana!

Way back in the day, we did not have the luxury of “autopay” where your credit card automatically is charged each month for a membership.  When I joined a weight training gym, I was required to pay cash or check each month, PRIOR to continuing my membership.  

Continued from the Weekly

Unfortunately churches and spiritual leaders who keep track of their members “tithes/offerings or if they are serving enough” can tend to neglect certain members. The members who are more “generous with their time talents and treasures” can tend get better treatment.

When the church becomes more focused on “attendance, tithes/finances” the temptation to genuinely care for their members can be a challenge. The motives of spiritual leadership in these touchy topics can be a difficult area to deal with. Church folk generally don’t want to address motives even when things smell fishy.

Those of you who call New Hope Mānoa your church home, can count on the spiritual truth that you and I – WE ARE MEMBERS TOGETHER – of God’s family! No one is more accepted or special than the other. How much we give of our time, talents, treasures to a church does not determine the love and care you should receive – from me or the family of God.

And by the way, you may have had church membership may “expire” in the past, from a church here on earth (for various reasons) – but it will never expire as a Kingdom citizen of God’s ‘ohana!

Join us for our KINGDOM Membership series! Email: rod@enewhope.org Cell: (808)216-5493

Part I | Wednesday, February 12, 2025 | We are Kingdom Citizen’s and Family

Part II | Wednesday, February 19, 2025 | We are Kingdom Disciples

What would our lives look like – what would the world look like… if God’s people grew in love with Jesus every day?

Knowing the kind of Christ follower I can be at times; complacent, fleshy, and focused on ME … I bet I would put a big smile on God the Father’s face if I acted more like a full-time Christian.

If any of you wants to be my follower, you must give up your own way, take up your cross daily, and follow me. Luke 9:23 NLT

I know His love is unconditional and He accepts me no matter what, but maturity in my relationship with Jesus is expected…right?! One thing I must continue to commit to EVERY DAY is to give up my own way. That’s rough many times. But with God’s Spirit living in me, He is faithful to speak to and direct me one day, one moment at at time.

EVERYDAY JESUS 2025! This is my mantra and I hope you will include it as yours.

GOD IS TOV, all the time… and all the time, GOD IS TOV!

Men! We all need a community to grow closer to God!
Contact Pastor Mike for the ZOOM link: ononelson@aol.com

Our hearts as a church have always been to care for “our own”—our church ‘ohana and those connected to us—to share God’s aloha in practical ways (food, gas gift cards, helping with medicine, utilities, household items, etc.).


  • If you want to contribute to our SHOW GOD SHARE ALOHA FUND, please make checks payable to New Hope Mānoa, Memo line: ALOHA.
  • If you’d like to give ONLINE, click on the “DONATE” tab above (on our website). “CHOOSE FUND” and select “NHM SHARE ALOHA.”

SHOW GOD, SHARE ALOHA… with people, you are reaching for Christ!

Call or text Pastor Rod if you have any questions, (808) 216-5493, especially if you have a friend, family member, co-worker, or anyone you are ministering to. This fund is meant to be used to PARTNER WITH YOU, to love and reach people in your lives who are in need. Love y’all!

DRIVING DIRECTIONS to Mid-Pacific Institute

2445 Kaala St, Honolulu, HI 96822

Click here to view the map

PARKING at Mid-Pacific Institute

  • Front and rear parking lots are open
  • Handicap parking directly in front of the auditorium


Open for infants through 3rd grade

If you have any questions about our Keiki Ministry, please get in touch with Tina for more information. If you are a part of our ‘ohana and would like to inquire about volunteering, please contact Tina. Her email is: kartskai@gmail.com


Link to NHM Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/newhopemanoa

Link to NHM YouTube page: https://www.youtube.com/@newhopemanoa-pastorrodshim4827/streams

You can also view previous services & messages.

Hit “SUBSCRIBE” on this link: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCi-BCrfxnCMMOf1k7B7USeg/featured

Do you need prayer? 

If you have any questions about God, our church, life… anything… or need prayer, please text, call, or email me.

Have a blessed day and week,

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