Finally, at 62 years young I started learning jiu-jitsu. My instructor is 61 years young, and I am humbled to experience his vibrant, youthful example.

We start our training with warm-ups … oh my! I feel like our warm-ups are the main part of class, because I could be “done” at that point. Being able to push forward and push through the mental barriers is a big deal for me. The voices in my head are saying, “Ugh, I’m tired. I’m going to coast and do the minimum.” I acknowledge my negativity and change the tone and conversation within my mind, realizing that I will grow, benefit, and be better than when I first arrived.

What area in your life do you need to “push forward and through” to grow?

Are there negative conversations in your mind holding you back?

Remember Philippians 1:9 and point #2 of my teaching last Sunday? Like the family in Philippi needed Paul’s prayer support to grow forward in Jesus, we need to pray for Jesus’ love to abound IN and THROUGH us. We can’t give what we don’t receive. We can’t give what we don’t have … right!?

In our series INSIDE OUT, I will teach from Philippians: Receive and Give. We all need support, help, and healing from the negativity of our past. Growing forward to give God our best is possible when we receive healing and forgiveness, through the grace of our Lord Jesus!

“And this is my prayer: that your love may abound more and more in knowledge and depth of insight . . .”

Philipians 1:9

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