It is TOV To Be Near God

“But as for me, it is good (TOV) to be near God. I have made the Sovereign LORD my refuge; I will tell of all your deeds.”
Psalm 73:28 NIV

When was the last time you were close in proximity or near to a celebrity or popular person you admired? I got so enamored and felt so special when I not only got near but also met Eichi Jumawan! When I was in my teens and learning to box at Palolo gym, Eichi came to the gym to prepare for a professional (boxing) fight. Eichi was a decorated Hawaii amateur and national Golden Gloves champion. He turned pro, and I got to not only meet him but sparred and trained with him! I felt so honored!

When you meet and know the God of the universe, Almighty Creator, and He knows you, there’s no comparison to meeting any earthly celebrity or famous person.

The Psalmist says it is TOV – it is good – to be near to God, implying a personal intimate relationship with Him. When God becomes our sovereign refuge, protection, safety, provider, shepherd and master, we can rely on and trust Him in every aspect of our lives.

May I encourage you today to once again make God your refuge and stay near to Him in your thought life and heart meditation? May our daily schedules include time to draw near and be near to Him.

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