Pastor’s Blog

Pastor, what do you believe about giving: tithes & offerings?

You must each decide in your heart how much to give. And don’t give reluctantly or...

Sticky Relationships Turned Sturdy

While studying for messages in our series, Inside Out, Paul’s love for and message to the...

We Are All Growing

Finally, at 62 years young I started learning jiu-jitsu. My instructor is 61 years young, and...

Dr. Holy Spirit

Oh my! After I got home from church last Sunday, I got my blood pressure unit...

Connect with Jesus

I’m still pondering last Sunday’s message in our new series: Inside Out.  Do you remember this passage...

Darkness to Light

It was dark, about 9:30 PM, while walking my 2 dogs, I thought a sharp branch...

Unwrapping the Gift of Humility

Choosing humility and initiating forgiveness in relationships can be a difficult choice to make. Especially when...

The Basics of Prayer

Thank You, Godhead, for the desire You’ve given us to grow in Jesus, and our Father,...

The Real War! *part 1

And I heard a loud voice in heaven, saying, “Now the salvation and the power and...
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