The conflict is BRUTAL! People, children… having been brutally murdered by the Hamas. Incomprehensible acts of wicked violence. And the retaliation of Israel… killing innocent humans like you and I, in Gaza is heart-wrenching and despicable.
I’m not taking sides “with war.” I don’t know what to think when it comes to justice and love involving innocent humans. We are all God’s creation! Lord have mercy!
As a Christian, I support and pray for Israel – for the people to be filled with peace and come to know and love the Prince of Peace. And I also believe and pray this for every nation in this world…for all the nations belong to God.
Psa. 82:8 Rise up, O God, and judge the earth, for all the nations belong to you.

I strongly encourage you to read, reread, and meditate on this passage. Not only for heart adjustments towards world events – but for your personal relationships. Isn’t this passage powerful? Convicting? Life changing (if we make adjustments)?
What part of Romans 12 (above) stands out to you?
I’m personally perplexed, seeing the church – Christians, side so quickly in support of Israel and their retaliation towards Hamas. Yes, I’m for justice involving the evil Hamas has done in killing so many innocent lives in Israel. My major conflict is the ravaging and disastrous loss of innocent lives, with Israel’s awful bombings on Gaza. Both sides have been gravely affected by the evil pursuit of power, pride and control.
- I Pray for God’s intervening grace, comfort, love, peace…healing… for ALL PEOPLE! God so loved…Israel, Palestine, Hawaii, Nepal, Philippines, Iran…THE WORLD… that He gave His one and only Son…! It’s heart-wrenching and terrifying that innocent people are being hurt, killed, tortured, etc… because of the sinfulness of man – to conquer, get revenge, and be in power/control…!
- Do your research on the historical and current reasons for the conflict between Israel and Palestine… the Jews, and Palestinians… while asking God for wisdom, and discernment. Be careful not to “choose sides” alienating innocent humans…God’s creation on both/all sides. Botton line from experts I’ve heard and learned from…the Israel/Palestinian conflict is very complex and complicated.
- Be wise – be careful about who you are listening to involving “end times prophecy…Revelation, Daniel, Ezekiel…” Know that not every Christian may hold the same views you do, regarding “end times, the rapture, Biblical prophecy…”
- Cultivate humility, kindness, respect, and love while you draw near to God in your personal relationship. Seek to personally hear His voice, to become more like Jesus in talk, life, heart, and motive.
- Keep praying, growing in loving God, loving people… all people… pray for “the Kings, leaders, presidents…of this world” while trusting the King, of all kings.
I personally pray for the peace of Jerusalem…and peace for all people, all races, all nations, and people. My heart goes out to all people in Israel, Gaza, the West Bank… The Middle East and beyond!
Below is my recent response to an email from a dear Christian pro-Israel friend, involving prayer “solely for Israel” and an attachment sent.