
Oh my! After I got home from church last Sunday, I got my blood pressure unit out, strapped that cuff on, took a relaxing breath, and pushed “Start!” If you were at church, you witnessed me taking my blood pressure (standing up, mind you 🙂) and my reading was like 155 over 96! Thank God...
I’m still pondering last Sunday’s message in our new series: Inside Out.  Do you remember this passage from Proverbs 4:20?  My son, pay attention to what I say; listen closely to my words.   Do you recall the picture I used from Robert Morishige? His place where he connects with God?  A few of you text me your pictures of places you connect...
It was dark, about 9:30 PM, while walking my 2 dogs, I thought a sharp branch pierced my foot. I brushed my foot with my hand to rub off the pain, but the pain felt different.
Choosing humility and initiating forgiveness in relationships can be a difficult choice to make. Especially when we feel hurt, rejected, betrayed, or neglected… right? Lord help us all! Yet, I say, “Thank You, Jesus… for the gift you’ve given me, washing and cleansing my heart and life, by choosing humility and initiating to offer me...
Thank You, Godhead, for the desire You’ve given us to grow in Jesus, and our Father, through the Holy Spirit. And to cultivate obedience and a heart to pray… just talking to You. I could list a number of Scriptures on prayer to encourage and equip you, but we all know we are gifted and...
And I heard a loud voice in heaven, saying, “Now the salvation and the power and the kingdom of our God and the authority of his Christ have come, for the accuser of our brothers has been thrown down, who accuses them day and night before our God. 11 And they have conquered him by...
The conflict is BRUTAL!  People, children… having been brutally murdered by the Hamas. Incomprehensible acts of wicked violence.  And the retaliation of Israel… killing innocent humans like you and I, in Gaza is heart-wrenching and despicable. I’m not taking sides “with war.”  I don’t know what to think when it comes to justice and love...
Undoubtedly, prayer will be our response to any all situations. Our communion with our great God – the Creator and Sovereign Lord is preeminent over all! “For the LORD is a great God, a great King above all gods.” Psa. 95:3  We believe God’s communion with us through Jesus, has revealed His Spirit’s perfect intercession...
Malia and I just returned from Nebraska and Kansas City.  One of my goals was to purge and pack the remaining “things” Beckie and I had stored there (for over 20 years!).  Malia and I discussed “being present” during our trip, being flexible while giving our schedules, and “to-do list” to God daily – throughout the day....
ADVENT is derived from a Latin word, translated as “COMING or ARRIVAL.”  Advent has traditionally been known as a time when Christ’s followers prepare their hearts to celebrate “the COMING or ARRIVAL OF GOD”  – 4 Sundays prior to Christmas Day. Don’t you agree as Christians, we can all fall into the trap of “preparing for the...
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Pastor Rod

Pastor Rod has been in ministry for more than 38 years. He has shepherded and overseen a variety of ministries, including children’s, youth, college, community/missions, discipleships/small groups, worship and the arts, as well as assisting and consulting with several church planters. Since moving back to Honolulu from Kansas City in 2000, Rod has served on Pastor Wayne Cordeiro’s executive team at New Hope O‘ahu. He has pastored the New Hope Mānoa ‘ohana since January 2015.

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