– This week from Pastor Rod –

Pastor Rod’s Weekly encouragement is posted every Friday.

* Service information, directions, etc below

Aloha Friday and Happy Father’s Day Weekend!

Sing to God, sing praise to hisname,
extol him who rides on the clouds-
his name is the LORD – and rejoice before him.
A father to the fatherless, a defender of widows,
is God in his holy dwelling.

Psa. 68:4-5

Do you know someone who grew up without a daddy?  Were you affected by an absentee father?
Or a father who…



As a pastor, I’ve personally wrestled with the idea of my paycheck coming from people giving their “tithes/offerings.”

I continue to welcome questions and conversations to share my perspective and convictions involving church finances and the topic of “tithes/offerings.”

If you are a part of our church or connected to me personally, and have any questions, comments, or concerns about church finances, please contact me at rod@newhope.org

Mahalo to those of you who are part of our church ‘ohana or connected to my life or ministry – who give financially. I am sincerely humbled and grateful for your prayers, support, and giving. I ask that you do not use your charge card to give if you are in credit card debt. I also believe in worshipful, generous Kingdom giving… as unto God, not “to a church or pastor…”

I also don’t put a “percentage” to what people should give. Some may give 10 percent of their “gross or net pay.” Some 5…2…13… or whatever percentage of their income. The Bible teaches giving generously, cheerfully, and worshipfully.

You must each decide in your heart how much to give. And don’t give reluctantly or in response to pressure. “For God loves a person who gives cheerfully.” And God will generously provide all you need. Yes, you will be enriched in every way so that you can always be generous.  2 Cor. 9:7-8 (NLT)

If you belong to another church, I encourage you to support your pastor and give to your local church.

To give online, click the link below, or the DONATE button at the top of the page.


OR YOU CAN MAIL YOUR CHECK TO: (Made to “New Hope Manoa): 

290 Sand Island Access Road – Honolulu, HI 96819

Parking at Mid Pacific Institute

  • Front or Rear parking lots are open.
  • Handicap Parking directly in front of the Auditorium.


KEIKI CHURCH is open for infants through 3rd grade.

If you have any questions about our Keiki Ministry, please contact Tina for more information. If you are a part of our ‘ohana and would like to inquire about volunteering, please contact Tina. Her email is: kartskai@gmail.com


9:30 AM | BAKKEN AUDITORIUM | Mid Pacific Institute | Scroll down for more service info, directions, etc.

If you invite a friend or family member, please encourage them to either scan the QR CODE or fill out the Guest Card on Sundays. If the card is “filled out”, please drop the card off at our Welcome Table.

If you have any questions about God, our church, life…anything… or need prayer, please text or call me.

LINK TO NHM Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/newhopemanoa

LINK TO NHM Youtube page: https://www.youtube.com/@newhopemanoa-pastorrodshim4827/streams

We stream our service “live” on our FaceBook and YouTube page!

  • Spread the word, especially to those without Facebook.
  • You can also view previous services & messages.
HIT “SUBSCRIBE” ON THIS LINK: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCi-BCrfxnCMMOf1k7B7USeg/featured

One of the ways our church will help us to find specific families or people YOU ARE CONNECTED TO IN MAUI, directly affected by this catastrophe.

If you have family or friends on Maui that we can help, through our SHOW GOD SHARE ALOHA funds, please contact me immediately. Our hearts as a church have always been to care for “our own” ~ our church ‘ohana and those connected to us… to share God’s aloha in practical ways (food, gas-gift cards, helping with medicine, utilities, household items…)


If you want to contribute to our SHOW GOD SHARE ALOHA FUND, please make checks payable to New Hope Mānoa, Memo line: ALOHA.

If you’d like to give ONLINE, click on the “DONATE” tab above (on our website). “CHOOSE FUND” – select “NHM SHARE ALOHA.”

SHOW GOD, SHARE ALOHA…with people, you are reaching for Christ!

Call or text me if you have any questions, (808) 216-5493 – especially if you have a friend, family member, co-worker, or anyone you are ministering to. This fund is meant to be used to PARTNER WITH YOU, to love and reach people in your lives who are in need. Love y’all!

Men! Are you interested in growing closer to God alongside others?

Email Pastor Mike Nelson for the Zoom link or more information: ononelson@aol.com (808) 265-2405

Prayers.  Do you need prayer?  It’s good to have a pastor to call or a Prayer Team to give your requests to.  But what if WE ALL would take time, step out in boldness…wherever we are…to ask someone if they need prayer?  And then…PRAY WITH THEM?

Have a blessed day and week.

Contact me if you have any questions or need prayer: rod@enewhope.org

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